What Is NUnit?
NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit, the current production release, version 3, has been completely rewritten with many new features and support for a wide range of .NET platforms.
NUnit Team Statement in Support of Ukraine
The NUnit team condemns, in the strongest terms, the unprovoked and abhorrent invasion of Ukraine by the Russian military, in violation of Article 2(4) of the U.N. Charter, which prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity of another state.
Russia's action unnecessarily and unlawfully endangers the lives of millions of people, families, and children. And so, though our core team's voices may be small in number, we nevertheless still use them to call on Russia to end this injustice.
We, like so many of our users and contributors, will continually be seeking ways to stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. We encourage you to donate to the Ukrainian Red Cross, something each of us has done. You may also consider other donations at the Stand with Ukraine page provided by the Ukrainian government.
May Ukraine retain its sovereignty and regain its security, and may the Ukrainian people know peace as soon as possible.

NUnit is a part of the .NET Foundation

The NUnit Project is a member of the .NET Foundation. NUnit is run by the core team, Rob Prouse, Terje Sandstrom (Lead), Joseph Musser, Mikkel Nylander Bundgaard, Steven Weerdenburg, and Sean Killeen. The .NET Foundation will provide guidance and support to help ensure the future of the project.
The success of NUnit has been made possible through the hard work of our many contributors and team members. The Core Team thanks everyone for the help and contributions that have made NUnit the success that it is. At last count, the various NUnit packages passed 600 million downloads on NuGet.org. We couldn't have done that without the dedication of the many volunteers that donate their time and knowledge to the project.
NUnit is Open Source software and NUnit 3 is released under the MIT license. Earlier releases used the NUnit license.
Both of these licenses allow the use of NUnit in free and commercial applications and libraries without restrictions.
About Us
NUnit 3 was created by Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse, Simone Busoli, Neil Colvin and numerous community contributors.
Earlier versions of NUnit were developed by Charlie Poole, James Newkirk, Alexei Vorontsov, Michael Two and Philip Craig.